Robin Jonsson

Get Real

Get Real (2023) is a dance/VR performance where a group of audience meets each other as well as a virtual dancer that guides them along throuh movement, a techno party and up and out into a vast virtual world. The performance happens live through the dancers and the audience in a genuinly intimate moment on the boarder between a physical and digital envrionment.

I was not part of the original crew but have been jumping in as a dancer/performer/host during some of the touring of the performance.

To read more about Robin Jonsson check here.


Choreographer/Director: Robin Jonsson 
Created and performed by: Emelie Wahlman, Nea Landin, Anika Edström 
Kawaji, Rebecka Berchtold Noah Hellwig.
Light Design: Johan Sunden 
Composer: William Rickman 
Costume Design: Elin Hallberg 
Technician: Angela X 
Text: Malin Axelsson 
Artistic Advisor: Ebba Petrèn. 
Text: Malin Axelsson 
VR-Developer: Lutra Interactive 
VR-design: Dyno Robotics